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As the ongoing crisis in Haiti continues to escalate, Fonkoze’s team on the ground has remained steadfast. The past few months have seen fuel shortages, gang violence, and socio-political unrest. The lack of fuel has meant that some of Fonkoze's branches are down to their reserves, and reaching rural clients has become increasingly complex and dangerous. Despite the challenges, Fonkoze's teams are finding ways to serve families. For example, Chemin Lavi Miyo (CLM), Fonkoze’s empowering program for ultra-poor households, continues to provide intensive support and guidance to ultra-poor families, with 94% of CLM members graduating from the program in 2021. Learn more

After discovering Fonkoze and its comprehensive approach to poverty alleviation in Haiti, the Facebook company (now called Meta) chose the organization to be among four to receive advertising support this year to spread disaster preparedness awareness to their respective communities during hurricane season. As a result of Meta's support, Fonkoze has reached thousands of people throughout Haiti since July 2022 with messages such as "Pa tann jouk twò ta bare w. Prepare w depi kounye a pou tanpèt ki pral vini nan pwochen jou yo." ("Don't wait until it's too late. Prepare now for the storms that may come in the coming days.").

Fonkoze empowers Haitians, primarily rural women, to lift their families out of poverty by providing access to the tools, resources, and support needed to overcome and thrive. The organization’s approach to empowerment is holistic - addressing the many systemic roots of poverty: lack of access to education, financial and health services, and more.

Fonkoze’s health program Boutik Sante, in particular, serves approximately 250,000 households each year, offering health resources to communities throughout Haiti that include vitamin distribution, screenings for child malnutrition and therapeutic feeding treatments, hypertension screenings for cardiovascular disease, and preventative healthcare trainings. This program alone, which won the 2021 European Microfinance Award, has increased access to health services and education for more than 3.3 million people since its inception in 2014. More information.

As the ongoing crisis in Haiti continues to escalate, Fonkoze’s team on the ground has remained steadfast. The past few months have seen fuel shortages, gang violence, and socio-political unrest. The lack of fuel has meant that some of Fonkoze's branches are down to their reserves, and reaching rural clients has become increasingly complex and dangerous. Despite the challenges, Fonkoze's teams are finding ways to serve families. For example, Chemin Lavi Miyo (CLM), Fonkoze’s empowering program for ultra-poor households, continues to provide intensive support and guidance to ultra-poor families, with 94% of CLM members graduating from the program in 2021. Learn more

Hillside neighborhood in Haiti
Maxence Bradley